Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shhhhhh……..don’t tell Obama about this special prison unit in which 65-72% of the prisoners are Muslims

Or he might try to shut it down for preventing Muslims from proselytizing for Islam. US federal prisons for the past three years have housed special units filled disproportionately (heh!) with Muslim inmates whose every communication with the outside world is strictly monitored.

US - Known as “Guantanamo North,” the so-called Communication Management Units (CMU) were secretly opened in 2007 in maximum security prisons in Terre Haute, Indiana and Marion, Illinois and currently have 71 prisoners, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) told AFP. While Muslims account for six percent of the inmate population in federal prisons as a whole, in the CMUs “somewhere between 65 and 72 percent of the population is Muslim,” said Alexis Agathocleous, an attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights. ”So, that’s a tenfold over representation. That obviously raises concerns about religious profiling,” he said. (No, it’s Muslim profiling as in ‘terrorist’ profiling) The US public radio network, NPR, recently published the names, nationalities and reasons for incarceration of 86 of more than 100 detainees who have passed through them, information never before disclosed by the Bureau of Prisons. NPR found that a number of detainees were convicted of terrorism offenses but mixed in with them were white supremacists and common criminals. Full Story>>

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