Sunday, April 24, 2011

Selling Sexy, Taliban-style: Wear a Hijab or Die

UK - Violent threats are the soup du jour for most Islamofacists. It seems to be the only way they know how to communicate their terrible ideas, such as that women should be wrapped up in sheets and if they refuse they should be buried in the ground and stoned. An Asian woman working in a pharmacy in England was threatened with death if she continued speaking out about the harassment she receives for not wearing a burka. When she went to the media to talk about the abuse she suffered, a man later entered the pharmacy and told her: ‘If you keep doing these things, we are going to kill you’. It’s a public relations nightmare. For a religion which wants to dominate the world and convert the masses, they might want to consider that death threats might not be the best strategy... Clearly, Islamofascists need to start selling the burqa as sexy. The good news for them is the American feminist Left has already started doing that for them. Naomi Wolf thinks shrouded women living under suffocating rags is dead sexy. "When sexuality is kept private and directed in ways seen as sacred – and when one’s husband isn’t seeing his wife (or other women) half-naked all day long – one can feel great power and intensity when the headscarf or the chador comes off in the the home." Full Story>>

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