Monday, April 25, 2011

The Biggest Secret to Threesome Success

During our first threesome my husband and I made the mistake we now call “the First-Timers Syndrome”. I hope you won’t do the same! Pay attention and learn how you can easily avoid this by learning from our mistakes. My husband and I fantasized about having a threesome several times before we actually acted upon it. When we arranged for our first threesome, I decided it was best to do it with one of my friends. I spoke to one of my best friends, I knew from heart-to-heart girl talks that she was open minded enough to do it, and we made my husbands dream come true. Little did we know what was going to happen afterwards...

The morning after, we all left and didn’t see my friend for a few weeks. My husband and I of course had the opportunity to talk about the threesome experience. We kept in touch with her, but we didn’t see each other as we all had a very busy schedule. When we spoke to her after several weeks, something felt different, however we couldn’t really put our finger on what was wrong.

The next time we saw her, we were hoping we’d be able to repeat the experience, however it didn’t happen. Although we spent the night together in the same bed, we didn’t enjoy each other sexually again. The morning after our second encounter, we had a small argument and we parted all feeling very strange about the whole affair. It took us a while to understand that our big mistake was that we put my husband in the center of attention instead of her. This was of course good for his ego but strained our alliance.

We realized that by making the women share the man, we had accentuated the natural female competition. Obviously sharing my husband made her feel disadvantaged, less special and with not much desire to return. Unfortunately we made her feel that she was the “third person”, not the “special person” around whom everything evolved. The one thing you must remember is to make sure that you treat the “third person” in the Adonis Trio as the most important person of you three!

Now that you understand this, it makes much more sense to put your (new) friend in the middle for the two of you to share! After all, she’s the one making your fantasy a reality. She’s the novel attraction in your bed and both of you would like to have access to her. This, dear friend, is the real secret of successful Adonis Trio. She not him should be the centre of attention.

Female nature requires tenderness and attention, and if you can provide that to her she’ll be eternally grateful and very likely she’d want to come back! You’ll seal a new sexual bond with your friend and that will elevate the sexual life of the three of you to a new level.

Not long ago we had an incredible experience with a beautiful thin, tall girl we met and seduced. Although she had group sex before, she hadn’t had too much experience with couples. We had such a wonderful night that we made soon after another appointment! One of her comments really struck a cord with me: “Having two people sucking and licking my nipples at once is one of the most exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had”. If we would’ve selfishly concentrated on my husband instead of concentrating on her, probably we would’ve never gotten her to experience those exhilarating feelings and possibly our sexual joy would have been reduced to a one night stand, instead we've enjoyed her in our bed so far 6 times!

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